This article is in response to “The Social Costs of Abandoning the Meaning of Marriage” by Ryan T. Anderson and is part...
The Best of Intellectual Conservative Thought
From essays to books, from lectures to videos, ISI offers a treasure trove of conservative wisdom.
Intercollegiate Review
Providing college students with the best of intellectual conservatism by exploring the ideas and principles behind conservative philosophy, politics, and economics.
The ‘Health’ ‘Care’ Hoax
There is much to be said about the Obamcare “rollout”—to quote Jonah Goldberg, “I put quotation marks around...
Individualism is the New Religion
What if I told you Jesus came to abolish religion? What if I told you voting Republican really wasn’t His mission? What if...
Symposium: The failure of contractual marriage, Millennials and divorce, and more…
The IR Student Voices deliver a fresh take on Ryan T. Anderson's "The Social Costs of Abandoning the Meaning of...
One Nation “Under God”? Why the Latest Kerfuffle Matters
Two little words and what they tell us about the secularist agenda: Robert P. George reveals a page from the liberal...
Symposium: The Twice-Wounded
This article is in response to “The Social Costs of Abandoning the Meaning of Marriage” by Ryan T. Anderson and is part...
Stop Asking Uncle Sam to Officiate Your Wedding
Ryan Anderson rightly focuses on the role of language when it comes to defining marriage. Unfortunately, he himself is...
“Barack Obama is Satan,” and Other Fallacies of the Right
Barack Obama is not Satan. He is not the anti-Christ, nor is he a particularly great president. Yet I often read a decent...
Gravity: Sandra Bullock Gets Existential
If you haven’t seen Gravity yet, go see it, then read this post. Here are a few thoughts I had about the film. The tension...
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