American politics seems to talk about liberty like music talks about love; all the time, and as if it can solve anything. ...
The Best of Intellectual Conservative Thought
From essays to books, from lectures to videos, ISI offers a treasure trove of conservative wisdom.
Intercollegiate Review
Providing college students with the best of intellectual conservatism by exploring the ideas and principles behind conservative philosophy, politics, and economics.
Symposium: Conservatism Must Conserve
This article is in response to “Rescuing Freedom from Despair” and is part of the symposium on What’s Wrong...
Cultural Relativism: It’s Ethical Relativism With Half the Calories!
Diversity is perhaps the most overused and ill-defined concepts in our culture today. You can find its assumed merits being...
Art for the Masses
Chris LaPorte, “Cavalry” How many of us go to museums regularly? How often do we argue over a sculpture or...
A Different Take on Pornography
Joseph Gordon-Levitt has earned my respect. The man I associate with thrillers like “Inception” and the Batman...
Rescuing Freedom from Despair
Conservatives do need to be vigilant to protect their movement from becoming identified with the twin heresies of...
Defund ObamaCare Movement Admirable, Impractical
Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Tex., recently concluded an impressive 21 hours and 19 minutes speaking through the night about the...
The Awful Responsibility of Time
O Time Thy Pyramids “Well kan Senec and many a philosophre / Biwaillen tyme more than gold in cofre, / ‘For loss of...
Louis C.K., Existentialist
Louis C.K. recently ranted on The Conan O’Brien show about the negative impacts cell phones have on children’s...
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