Samuel Gregg’s recent IR article “Politics, Ideas, and the West” is right about the right. Conservatism devoid of...
The Best of Intellectual Conservative Thought
From essays to books, from lectures to videos, ISI offers a treasure trove of conservative wisdom.
Intercollegiate Review
Providing college students with the best of intellectual conservatism by exploring the ideas and principles behind conservative philosophy, politics, and economics.
Who Cares What Those Dead White European Males Said?
In my first week of my senior year at Rutgers, an odd pattern has occurred. Since I am studying philosophy, classics, and...
Politics, Ideas, and the West
Our proper agenda is the defense and promotion of what we should unapologetically call Western civilization, that...
Conservatism: What’s Wrong with It and How Can We Make It Right?
Just out of curiosity, how much do you really know about the diversity of perspectives among conservatives? Here,...
The Ethics of Public Schooling
A recent article with an obnoxious headline made waves on the internet this week: “If You Send Your Kid to Private...
What’s Wrong with the World?
Americans are fond of asking what’s wrong with contemporary America. I’ve also noticed that those who strongly...
A Syllogism for Woodrow Wilson
“In visiting the sick, do not presently play the physician if you be not knowing therein.” -George Washington, Rules...
So You Want to Be an Academic Panelist?
Inspired by having attended the American Political Science Association meeting last week in Chicago, here is a list of some...
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