The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Except when they’re not. Siding with one of two forces hostile to American...
The Best of Intellectual Conservative Thought
From essays to books, from lectures to videos, ISI offers a treasure trove of conservative wisdom.
Intercollegiate Review
Providing college students with the best of intellectual conservatism by exploring the ideas and principles behind conservative philosophy, politics, and economics.
How Human Are You?
What is it to be human? Love. Suffering. Joy. Death. These are all present in the paradox we call life. Many experience one...
On Elephants and Localism
My hometown, Durham, Connecticut, enjoys regional fame as host to the largest agricultural fair in the state and the largest...
Overpopulation: Mother of all myths
The world’s population is declining. Those are fighting words in most circles but it’s the truth, and it’s occurring...
What Can Work Do For You
I have never had a particularly strong work ethic, but throughout my life I’ve always known that I always want to be...
A Healthy Legislative Deliberation: Which Side of the Pond?
In the last few days a healthy and robust legislature engaged in one of the most vital aspects of a republican system. The...
The Problem Is Miley Syriaus: What Has Athens to do with Jerusalem?
I was going to write a post about Miley Cyrus. I was going to criticize her for acting half her age while wearing half the...
Chronology and Confidence
“The concept of Progress is the concept of man’s increasing command, and eventually perfect command, over the forces of...
Fantasy Football’s Vices
Fantasy Football season is finally starting up again. The great American sport (let’s set aside baseball for the time...
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