Earlier this week at National Review Online, John Fund reported on conservative talk-show host Hugh Hewitt’s clash with...
The Best of Intellectual Conservative Thought
From essays to books, from lectures to videos, ISI offers a treasure trove of conservative wisdom.
Intercollegiate Review
Providing college students with the best of intellectual conservatism by exploring the ideas and principles behind conservative philosophy, politics, and economics.
What Comes After Folk Music? This Mainstream Is All Fished out
We thought we were so emo and angsty. I’ve laughed sheepishly with friends about the middle school and early high...
Miley Cyrus and Bad Music as a Witness to the Good, the True, and the Beautiful
Miley Cyrus’s vulgar VMA antics recently evoked ardent criticisms from what seems like all bloggers, moms, and journalists...
Bottum’s Down for Marriage
Joseph Bottum’s recent Commonweal piece “The Things We Share” was disappointing, to say the least....
Argue Papal Style
This week marks the return to classes for many of us, as the blissful doldrums of summer have again given way to 8am classes...
VOTE–Which Song Has the Higher Love?
I’m proud to say that having grown up in Texas, not only do I gladly sport a slight Texan drawl (which I only noticed when...
Gun Control: Double-Speak of Our Time III
A Bushmaster AR- 15 and the standard military issue M-16 With the establishment of the ATF in 1972, the federal government...
Model UN and Internationalist Blather
All this grandstanding and empty rhetoric about “red lines” and the “international community” in Syria reminds me of...
Social Media: The Oxymoron
Social media fascinates me. We can now be connected to the every day lives of people all across the country–and the...
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