What Facebook lacks is precisely what Facebook promises: Faces.
The Best of Intellectual Conservative Thought
From essays to books, from lectures to videos, ISI offers a treasure trove of conservative wisdom.
Intercollegiate Review
Providing college students with the best of intellectual conservatism by exploring the ideas and principles behind conservative philosophy, politics, and economics.
Spring Breakers and Cultural Critique
A good conservative should not praise consumerism, rampant cultural sexualization (or the objectification of women that it...
Is Inclusiveness Evil?
Given present understandings it is hard to understand why churches' refusing to marry same-sex couples or hire active...
The N-Wordz
Those who at all followed the trial of George Zimmerman cannot have missed the prosecution’s star witness, Rachel Jeantel....
Zimmerman, Martin, and John Adams
I went to Detroit for the weekend, gleefully unplugging from the world to enjoy baseball and the company of summer-scarce...
A Deeper Virginity
It strikes me that this passage, written by the Camaldolese monk Aelred Squire, expresses a beautiful truth. A good deal of...
The endangered English major
The latest Saturday essay in the Wall Street Journal goes something like this: the Humanities are dead, and English...
Are we the greatest country in the world?
Photo / Danny Huizinga Is America the best country in the world? With Independence Day fresh in our minds, it’s a...
Looking Suffering in the Eyes and Saying “Yes”
The problem of evil is a tough one and not by any means one that I am qualified to address. I’d need to define terms like...
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