Over at Cato Unbound, writers have been reflecting on the state of political fusionism, from a libertarian perspective. To...
The Best of Intellectual Conservative Thought
From essays to books, from lectures to videos, ISI offers a treasure trove of conservative wisdom.
Intercollegiate Review
Providing college students with the best of intellectual conservatism by exploring the ideas and principles behind conservative philosophy, politics, and economics.
Obama’s Umbrella? An Old Islamic Tradition
Did you hear? Obama employed U.S. Marines to hold umbrellas over himself and the Turkish Prime Minister during a drizzle!...
Commencement speaker exhorts students to advocate more public spending
What makes a university great? Is it being part of a state-wide network of public universities? Is it an astounding...
The Problems with Universal Preschool
The push for universal preschool began with the Head Start Program, a government aid program to low-income families that...
How to Be a Really Lousy Journalist for Fun and Profit
Never mind the details, always focus on narrative rather than facts, and never describe people—label...
Babel Builders and Blastocysts: Baby Making and Medical Miracles in the Modern Age
So, I was going to write an article about Charlemagne and conservative politics, but then I read about an experiment that...
The Gay Jihad: The Brain and Brawn of Anti-Christianity
The human brain is very complicated; it takes a lot of work to master this apparatus. Our hands and vocal cords are...
On Gosnell and Galileo
The Kermit Gosnell abortion/murder case, which has now concluded in a life sentence for Gosnell, deserved both our attention...
Don’t Cheer for public stadiums: a hidden concentrated benefit dispersed cost problem
Alexander C. Cartwright & Tarun Sharma Those familiar with the typical arguments in favor of government...
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