Oh, big surprise, I know: we’ve found more evidence that Abercrombie & Fitch is a slimeball of a company....
The Best of Intellectual Conservative Thought
From essays to books, from lectures to videos, ISI offers a treasure trove of conservative wisdom.
Intercollegiate Review
Providing college students with the best of intellectual conservatism by exploring the ideas and principles behind conservative philosophy, politics, and economics.
Swarthmore Under Siege
Student radicals are at it again. Extremist student environmentalists continue to promote their radical agenda of...
Conservatism Is Not Individualism
I graduated from college last weekend. Accomplishing something draws on individual effort, social benevolence, and...
Awareness and the Minds of the Masses: Looking Ahead
Excuse my use of the term “masses” in the title. It was temptingly Marxist and even more temptingly alliterative. Now on...
Engaging Gay Activists on Campus: A Primer
The name of Jesus made me recoil in anger. Oh, I was OK with a certain range of “live and let live,” but I was also...
Here’s to summer reading
After a long and somewhat tumultuous semester—full of the usual obnoxious French theory, student protests, and lengthy...
A Judgmental Thought
Mother Angelica has said, and I emphatically agree, that the reigning sin of our time is misguided compassion. I’ve...
Burning Books, Tearing Down Free Speech Walls, and All That Student Activism
May 10th, two days from today, will mark the third anniversary of the beginning of a study trip that I took called the March...
School Your Hearts
In his famous essay, The Abolition of Man C.S.Lewis does intellectual battle with two mediocre educators who had written a...
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