Much like the fact that OJ really was guilty or that Michael Jackson liked to share the wealth (Jesus Juice) with the...
The Best of Intellectual Conservative Thought
From essays to books, from lectures to videos, ISI offers a treasure trove of conservative wisdom.
Intercollegiate Review
Providing college students with the best of intellectual conservatism by exploring the ideas and principles behind conservative philosophy, politics, and economics.
Acton University, a Good Idea
When I traveled through Medicine Bow, Wyoming, I got to see the desk where Owen Wister wrote down some of his greatest...
Political Theory Takes to the (Word) Cloud
As I mentioned a few weeks ago, I have been exploring the field known as “digital humanities” in some of my...
Persecution and the Art of Tweeting: 7 Tips
Leo Strauss wrote a book called Persecution and the Art of Writing in which he describes how persecution gives rise to a...
Information in a Time of Tragedy
In the wake of the recent, horrific bombing in Boston, I’ve found myself reading a slew of articles related to the two...
We’re all environmentalists now
At Vassar College, students advocating for free market solutions to environmental problems are mocked, isolated, and...
You Want Some Salt with Those Wounds?: Thanks for Your Empathy, America
Your family is killed in a horrific, nationally important tragedy. You cry, you mourn, but you still can’t wrap your head...
Liberty and Security and Gun Control
Perhaps this post comes too soon after the recent tragedies that have occurred–first the horrific bombing at the...
Separating Politics from Tragedy
As I was reading through coverage of the Boston Marathon bombings, I was initially struck by the outpouring of sympathy for...
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