Margaret Thatcher has left behind a legacy that will be marked in history. Regardless of whether conservatives and...
The Best of Intellectual Conservative Thought
From essays to books, from lectures to videos, ISI offers a treasure trove of conservative wisdom.
Intercollegiate Review
Providing college students with the best of intellectual conservatism by exploring the ideas and principles behind conservative philosophy, politics, and economics.
Iron Ladies
Margaret Thatcher passed away Monday and her death flooded the internet with reflective obituaries. Some laud her as the...
Remembering Margaret Thatcher
We mourn the loss and remember the legacy of Margaret Thatcher, Britain's first female prime minister and leader of the...
Big Boys Do Cry: Losing, Living, and Letting Go
This week I endured one of the greatest and most biting losses of my young life. After hours and hours of dedicated...
It’s not what government does- it’s that they’re talking
The national debt and deficit are no doubt part of nearly every current political news story (outside of gun control)....
Old-School Poetry
With the month of April come rain, taxes….and poetry. Relatively few of us pay much heed, but April is indeed National...
Can We Live With a Living Wage?
Here at the University of Virginia, I am fortunate enough to be a member of the Burke Society, a conservative group...
The Associated Press and Policy Reform
Whenever a new policy discussion arises, the leftist media is always jumping on some new way to frame the debate in its...
How to Find Your Vocation in College
From the time you were five years old, someone was always asking you, “What do you want to be when you grow up?”...
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