President Obama has declared this April to be National Financial Capability Month, 2013. America has a 16 trillion dollar...
The Best of Intellectual Conservative Thought
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Intercollegiate Review
Providing college students with the best of intellectual conservatism by exploring the ideas and principles behind conservative philosophy, politics, and economics.
Recanting Faux Federalism
I recant. My last post was flawed. Let me clarify. I stand by my position that Proposition 8 should be upheld on the...
What’s so special about meat inspectors?
I’ve been writing a lot about recent budget dealings in the House and Senate over the last few weeks. The automatic...
Under Pressure: Staying Rational in the Gay Marriage Debate
This past week saw another explosion in my Facebook new feed. A plethora of equal signs, pluses, and minuses took over my...
The Pursuit of Gayness
When I was 17, I tried to get a job in San Francisco. Included in the application was a questionnaire to help determine...
The Darkness of God
Cristo crucificado by Diego Velázquez, 1632 There are certain days that draw us into their sorrowful depths: days of...
The Heartbeat Bill and the Threat of Incrementalism
Last week, Governor Jack Dalrymple of North Dakota approved the “fetal heartbeat bill,” considered the most...
Why Conservatives Should Embrace the Digital Humanities
If you’ve hung out with a group of mainstream English professors in the last decade or so, you’ve probably heard...
The Question of Federalism: SCOTUS, Marriage, and the Constitution
You’ve probably heard that the Supreme Court is now hearing arguments about a couple cases on “marriage...
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