Though it may be a hectic time of year, be sure to set aside time to apply for the many excellent summer programs available....
The Best of Intellectual Conservative Thought
From essays to books, from lectures to videos, ISI offers a treasure trove of conservative wisdom.
Intercollegiate Review
Providing college students with the best of intellectual conservatism by exploring the ideas and principles behind conservative philosophy, politics, and economics.
New Addition to Core Curriculum: Stomp on the Name of Jesus
Among Jonathan Swift’s many targets in Gulliver’s Travels are the Dutch. Strange you might say. Of all the evils...
Rand Paul and Sallust’s Conspiracy of Catiline
Before I get to the substance of today’s post, a few brief programming notes. First, I’m now back after a two-week...
The Senate Budget and Separation of Powers
Good news! The Senate passed a budget this weekend for the first time in four years. The chamber, controlled by the...
1913: Worst Year Ever
Perhaps the most forgotten period in American economic history is the eight years that followed the creation of the Fed...
Taking the Human Element Out of War: The Ethics of Drone Warfare
“If you want to study the social and political history of modern nations, study Hell.” – Thomas Merton Normally, I...
Patrick Deneen, Robert Miller, and the American Ethos (Part I)
In this month’s First Things there’s an important article by law professor Robert T. Miller, defending...
Happy Birthday, Freak! Getting to Know Flannery O’Connor
There are some authors with whom you find an instant kinship; you read their prose and your soul expands in a chorus of...
CPAC – a new theory of social change?
Several other bloggers have written about the 2013 CPAC conference, and all of the posts that I have read noted the growing...
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