What Crèvecoeur, Du Bois, and Tocqueville teach about war, racism, and the pursuit of happiness.
Intercollegiate Review
Providing college students with the best of intellectual conservatism by exploring the ideas and principles behind conservative philosophy, politics, and economics.
Screen Epics for the Human Soul
Hollywood’s biggest films remind us of the great drama in which we all participate together
Robert E. Lee on Trial for Treason
On Allen Guelzo's denunciatory biography of the Virginia general
The Great Books of the Great War
Courage, faith, and even peace can be found in the literature of the conflict that shattered Western civilization.
Liberal Neutrality: A Dialogue Between Philonous and Oneiropolos
Two philosophers hash out the contradictions of classical liberalism
Burning Down the House
“Last Night in Soho” tests whether we can see the past as anything other than more of the present.
America’s Honor: Lost and Regained
Does an aristocratic ideal like honor have a place in the 21st century? It can, if we understand it anew.
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