How the Confederacy fit in with European struggles for nationhood and republicanism
Intercollegiate Review
Providing college students with the best of intellectual conservatism by exploring the ideas and principles behind conservative philosophy, politics, and economics.
In Defense of Jane Austen’s Unlikable Heroine
Though lacking in charm and wit, Fanny Price educates the reader’s moral judgment. She’s worth a second look.
Lessons of Esther for a Secular Age
A new book explores the American history of a Biblical tale
Can You Go Home Again?
Grace Olmstead meditates on whether a return to roots is possible
Tyranny of Television
A 1990s film about a fake war concocted to hide a political scandal reveals a dark but vital truth about America today.
Recovering the Humane Economy: A Symposium
Conservatives are not giving up on markets. Instead, they’re working to restore the social conditions that make prosperity...
Can Our Campuses Be Reasonable?
Jonathan Marks paints a more optimistic picture of the state of higher learning
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