Poetry from Clinton Collister
Intercollegiate Review
Providing college students with the best of intellectual conservatism by exploring the ideas and principles behind conservative philosophy, politics, and economics.
More American than Christian?
Conservative Christianity has become increasingly identified with American nationalism, but it wasn't always this way. What...
The Price of Peace: The Aeneid Today
What does the classical epic of Roman grandeur and imperial design have to say to Americans in 2021? On the subject of...
Poet Laureate of Low Life
Charles Bukowski 101—why an author as famous for his drinking as for his writing is the cure for today’s schoolmarmish...
Empire Inc.
Once upon a time, for-profit trading firms like Britain's East India Co. wielded sovereign powers over war, peace, and...
Feminism—What the Critics Miss
Nature was supposed to trump the politics of gender. Here’s why it didn’t.
Right Angles
Does American conservatism need a revised canon of its classic texts? If so, shouldn't it at least be...conservative?
Anne Applebaum’s Debt to Adorno
The word "authoritarian" is thrown around a lot, more often for melodramatic reasons than truly philosophical ones.
Expanding the Canon of Conservatism
This is no longer your father's American conservatism. Who gets to define it in 2021?
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