The idea of the "West" virtually vanished in American foreign policy post-9/11. One author says it's time to bring it back.
Intercollegiate Review
Providing college students with the best of intellectual conservatism by exploring the ideas and principles behind conservative philosophy, politics, and economics.
The Queen’s Gambit: A Superhero Story
The Netflix superhit sees chess not as a grand, global metaphor but as a path to one woman’s self-healing.
Humane Economies
What kind of economy do we want? Reforms are needed, but whose interests will be served? A new book throws down the gauntlet.
Ballast on the Ship of State: Statesmanship as Human Excellence
Realism without moral purpose has misled modern statecraft, which should follow instead the wisdom of Cicero and the...
Baffled by Success
Christopher Beha's latest novel follows the trajectory of one New York family's failures and how the irrational undermines...
Bernard Bailyn at Last: Illuminating History
The legacy of a master historian is the subject of much debate among conservatives. But have they truly captured the essence...
Hurricanes and Soft Totalitarianism
Rod Dreher, bestselling author of “The Benedict Option,” is back with an even more radical analysis of our culture. Is...
America Among the Nations: Our Debt to Vattel
Why nationalism doesn’t mean Manifest Destiny or heartless realpolitik.
Of Habsburgs and Hayek
The Austrian economists have proved that ideas have real-world consequences—whether for good or for ill is still being...
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