Readers of Pat Buchanan were prepared to understand the Trump era as no one else could. Now he tells us what’s coming next.
Intercollegiate Review
Providing college students with the best of intellectual conservatism by exploring the ideas and principles behind conservative philosophy, politics, and economics.
Presidents and Other Fictions
We asked some of our favorite writers to select their ideal presidential candidate—from fiction or history. The results...
The Art of Character
In a new collection of short stories, poet Catharine Savage Brosman bridges the all-too-human and the transcendent as only...
Limits of Reason
Despite the Enlightenment's enthronement of Reason, irrationality has proved intractable. Is it irrational to want to rid...
Liberty Is Self-Government, Not Rights Alone
Bureaucratic tyranny and judicial usurpation await us when we forget the basic symbols of our political life, as Willmoore...
The New Secessionism
Is the U.S. too big not to fail? Should states be allowed to secede so their citizens can live free of federal dictates? A...
For a Politics of Mobility
For America to realize its promise of social and economic mobility, it’s going to have to undo the aristocratic policies...
From Nietzsche to Zion and Beyond
Martin Buber's unique vision of a cultural Zionism and an I-Thou Judaism was sparked by the man who declaimed "God is dead."
Are Progressives Un-American?
Have Progressives historically repudiated the Founders, or has the real debate been between Jeffersonians and Hamiltonians...
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