Some people seem to live within a zone of grace. I’ve never met a saint, but they’re like that. Nothing can...
Intercollegiate Review
Providing college students with the best of intellectual conservatism by exploring the ideas and principles behind conservative philosophy, politics, and economics.
The Joy of Architecture
The pine deck on our house had rotted through. Thirty years of wild mountain weather Drenched, froze, thawed, dried,...
Stage and Cinema Beyond Space and Time
Ivo Van Hove’s "West Side Story" and Sam Mendes’s "1917" show ways in which plays and film are trying to adapt to the...
Languages of Memory
Trauma often casts memory into a "universe of oblivion," Bosnian author Aleksandar Hemon writes. How does one re-create what...
A Guide for the Overwhelmed
The goal is clear: Stop the federal government and its hostile-elite allies from undermining our fundamental, natural...
The Ideal Teacher of Literature
If students are not taught truth derived from an order higher than the natural, they have no hope of forming their...
Shakespeare and Classical Antiquity
The supreme playwright was indebted to the ancient world’s heroism as well as its eroticism. Jonathan Bate’s new book...
Our Cities, Our Selves
What if conservatives lead the charge for the renewal of big cities, especially those financially productive neighborhoods...
Two Concepts of Peace
America is at a crossroads: pursue a peace of hierarchy or a peace of equality. History has shown that these paths lead in...
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