The present paper[1] is meant to complete and revise Faith and Political Philosophy: The Correspondence between Leo Strauss...
Intercollegiate Review
Providing college students with the best of intellectual conservatism by exploring the ideas and principles behind conservative philosophy, politics, and economics.
Decivilization in the Criticism of George A. Panichas
T. H. PICKETT is Professor of German and Director of the Critical Languages and German Literature Programs at Samford...
Balkanized Bureaucracy or Utopian Sanctuary? The Crisis in the Modern University
On campus after campus, professors and administrators act not as umpires between truth and truth but rather as...
Why Fusionism is Falling Apart
It seems the divide between traditionalists and libertarians is ever growing. One the one hand, we have traditionalists...
Why We Should Study the History of Western Civilization
Why the West is different from the rest . . . and you should know why
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