Auden, Eliot, Lewis, Maritain, Weil: WWII raised for each of these thinkers a set of concerns about the relationship...
Intercollegiate Review
Providing college students with the best of intellectual conservatism by exploring the ideas and principles behind conservative philosophy, politics, and economics.
Russia the Terrible
With the collapse of communism, Russia was to transform itself into a liberal democracy. Yet it has became a...
Gorbachev, a Glorious Failure
Gorbachev was never able to reconcile his liberal leanings with the Marxist-Leninist communism he publicly professed and...
The Future of the American Rabble
Winter is coming... And should be arriving in mailboxes starting this week. Watch this space Monday for essays and...
Ride this one out
Award-winning poet Frederick Turner, who has been described as both "a bard and a prophet," has contributed to the...
Tucker Carlson: A Buckley for Our Time?
Fox News host and author Tucker Carlson raises a question that no one else dares ask: Are we a country anymore?
Hayek Against the Planners
Austrain economist F.A. Hayek witnessed two world wars and the Great Depression. His career was one long fight against...
The Fusionist Mind of Stephen Tonsor
A paean to a controversial teacher, mentor, and conservative cultural critic.
After Hegemony: A Conservative Foreign Policy
Liberal overreach meets its nemesis in new works by John Mearsheimer, Stephen Walt, and David Hendrickson.
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