This poem appears in the Fall 2018 issue of Modern Age. To subscribe now, go here. for Francis Xavier McCarthy...
Intercollegiate Review
Providing college students with the best of intellectual conservatism by exploring the ideas and principles behind conservative philosophy, politics, and economics.
Paying Court to the King of Instruments
The organ may be associated with boring church music, but R.J. Stove proves it is an instrument of great power, color,...
The Gangs of Old New York
The last person you'd expect to adapt an Edith Wharton novel for the big screen is the director of Raging Bull and...
The Incomparable Anthony Powell
After reading this survey of the world of Anthony Powell, you'll want to join in his Dance, a comedy of British manners...
W.M. Spackman: An Imperfect Critic
W. M. Spackman was an inconstant critic, a minor novelist, and a sometime teacher of Latin. He could also be quite...
Joseph Epstein: The Perfect Critic
Essayist, critic, short story writer: Joseph Epstein’s broad range of knowledge, shrewdness, and prudence make him a...
The Nonconformist
What does an Italian political philosopher who flourished in the mid-twentieth century have to say to Americans in 2019?...
John Gray: A Spinoza for Today
WIll stepping outside monotheism, "a local cult," prove freeing and fulfilling?
The Great Amputation: Language in the Postmodern Era
The literalism of language stripped of its metaphysical level of meaning impoverishes the soul—and bores the...
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