To forget the first president is to forget the qualities that made him such an influential figure in American...
Intercollegiate Review
Providing college students with the best of intellectual conservatism by exploring the ideas and principles behind conservative philosophy, politics, and economics.
The Art of Redemption: V. S. Naipaul’s “The Enigma of Arrival”
V. S. Naipaul’s novels continue to transcend the fashionable trends in literature because he confronted the themes...
Viktor Orbán and the Hungarian Resistance
The rise of a populist government in Hungary terrifies the EU and all enemies of national sovereignty.
Whose Civilization? Which Clash?
Twenty-five years ago, an essay entitled “The Clash of Civilizations?” was published. Was its thesis simplistic and...
What Comes After Postmodernism?
You'd expect our anxious age of post-truth to reflect itself in our literature. But how? One teacher takes the reader...
This poem appears in the Summer 2018 issue of Modern Age. To subscribe now, go here. Clouds stood like...
The Shambles
This poem appears in the Summer 2018 issue of Modern Age. To subscribe now, go here. The station at York...
The Love of God
This poem appears in the Summer 2018 issue of Modern Age. To subscribe now, go here. For He sendeth rain on the just and on...
Old Rivals, New Allies?
Michael Walzer argues that the American left should not stick to its “default” position of standoffish...
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