Michael Walzer argues that the American left should not stick to its “default” position of standoffish...
Intercollegiate Review
Providing college students with the best of intellectual conservatism by exploring the ideas and principles behind conservative philosophy, politics, and economics.
Self-Help for Moderns
Clinical psychologist Jordan Peterson's advice for young men seems obvious at first glance, but there's more going on...
Educating the Princes
Cold War historian John Lewis Gaddis demonstrates the limits to grand foreign-policy strategies. Unfortunately, there...
All Terrors Great and Small
The Death of Stalin is a strong candidate to be both the funniest comedy and the most terrifying horror film of the...
God’s Countries
The relationship of America and Israel continues to baffle those who are blind to the development of Hebraic...
A Cheer or Two for Liberalism
This editorial appears in the Summer 2018 issue of Modern Age. To subscribe now, go here. Liberalism strikes back in this...
False Dawn
In his latest book, cognitive psychologist Steven Pinker depicts a world getting freer, healthier, and wealthier. Is he...
Horror and Eternity
Russell Kirk’s “Gothic Mind” expressed itself in original ghost and horror stories haunted by a Presence that...
Why the Right Still Needs Russell Kirk
In the Sage of Mecosta’s centenary year, his politics of prudence and tradition has never been needed...
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