Ibram X. Kendi goes un-woke? - Intercollegiate Studies Institute

Ibram X. Kendi goes un-woke?

The best of intellectual conservative thought, every Thursday. Subscribe here to receive the Intercollegiate Review in your inbox every week.


Wokeness for Thee but Not for Me

If you had to pick a high priest of wokeness, you might choose How to Be an Antiracist author Ibram X. Kendi.

Except . . .

Kendi has publicly admitted being “horrified” when his kindergarten-age daughter said she wanted to become a boy.

Kendi reacted as many other parents would.

But it may already be too late for them to stop the new gender theory.

Woke Gender Takes Over Medicine, Law, and Education

Did you know that in many states, doctors and therapists can no longer question children who say they think they’re transgender?

Or that 15-year-olds don’t need parental approval for sex-change surgery?

Writing for the American Mind, the Heritage Foundation’s Emilie Kao reveals the rapid advance of woke gender . . .

. . . and how it’s destroying families across the country.



What Critical Race Theory Has Wrought

You see the phrase critical race theory thrown around a lot these days.

But what is it, really?

City Journal contributing editor Christopher F. Rufo is here to give you answers.

In this video, Rufo lays out the intellectual history of critical race theory, how it took over our institutions, and why it’s uniquely destructive.

More important, he shows how you can fight it in your own community.

Critical race theory is a destructive idea. Watch this to understand exactly what you’re up against.


Because our student editors and writers are bravely bringing conservative ideas to their campuses, we’re highlighting their efforts here.

The Backlash Against Critical Race Theory Is Here via Lone Conservative

Another Student Murdered in Lori Lightfoot’s Crime-Infested City via the Chicago Thinker




The Rhetoric of (the Real) Alexander Hamilton

Have you seen Hamilton?

The smash-hit musical shows Alexander Hamilton to be a brilliant communicator.

But the real Hamilton didn’t persuade his fellow Founders with clever rhymes and catchy tunes.

No, he was a master of political rhetoric.

In this classic article from Modern Age, the historian Forrest McDonald shows you why Hamilton’s rhetorical brilliance was crucial to his success.

As a bonus, McDonald busts three of the biggest myths about Hamilton.

Read on to find out what they are.


Your Last Chance to Register for The Future of American Political Economy Conference, July 23–24

Have you registered for The Future of American Political Economy Conference yet?

If not, you’d better do it now. Registration closes this Sunday, July 18, at midnight.

Grab your spot so you can see an all-star roster of speakers hash out what a conservative approach to the economy should look like today.

You’ll hear from J. D. Vance, Senator Marco Rubio, Amity Shlaes, Jeff Sessions, and nearly 20 other prominent leaders and thinkers.

Reserve your spot before it’s too late.



“The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool.”

―William Shakespeare, As You Like It

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