Evil, Death, and Cats - Intercollegiate Studies Institute

Evil, Death, and Cats


Here is a sign of the sick and twisted Culture of Death in which we live today: A supposed parenting site lists reasons to have an abortion — and to illustrate the impertinence with which it treats such a grave issue, it is accompanied by meme-ish cat pictures.  Consider Reason #3:

You Don’t Want To Have A Child Because Of Your Career You feel like having a baby, taking maternity leave, and caring for a child would harm your career opportunities.

Or, perhaps more disturbingly, Reason #8:  “You Are Worried About The Health Of The Baby.”  (Somehow I cannot fathom anything more detrimental to a baby’s health than death).

Look beyond the absurdity of the reasons listed for killing a child to the sheer frivolity with which these reasons are presented: cat pictures and tweet-length comments.  Abortion — whether or not you are pro-life — is a grave issue.  What we see here is startling, wholly inappropriate, and a reflection of the flippant Culture of Death.

Somehow I am reminded of the “Pro-Choice” protesters outside of the Texas Capitol who flippantly chanted “Hail Satan!” to mock the Pro-Life groups singing Amazing Grace.  Cat pictures, Satan, Dead Baby jokes — what next?

It seems, paradoxically, that the most serious Evil is most manifest in total lack of seriousness.


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