Gun Control: Double-Speak of Our Time III - Intercollegiate Studies Institute

Gun Control: Double-Speak of Our Time III

A Bushmaster AR- 15 and the standard military issue M-16

With the establishment of the ATF in 1972, the federal government officially declared war on guns and on gun owners.  As firearms evolved, the Left and their bias toward guns did, as well.  In the 1990s, arbitrary laws were created, ostensibly to stem the tide of gun violence in the United States. Most of these policies were aimed at larger cities, so when the Clinton gun ban was being drafted in 1995-1996 the goal was to decrease the supply for urban criminals, specifically for the types of guns criminals favored.

However, upon close reading of the gun ban, it addresses cosmetic attributes of firearms. It only dealt with guns that “look” scary.

For example, the ban rendered all pistol grip shotguns and rifles illegal. It did not target the criminals, so it certainly didn’t hurt them. Instead, it limited those who are unable to handle the full size and length of a normal shotgun. The Bushmaster AR-15 is manufactured to look similar to the military M-16 assault weapon.  However, the AR-15 cannot hang with M-16 because the M-16 shoots at a faster rate with better capabilities than the AR-15. Both the AR-15 and the M-16 shoot similar ammunition (.223 and 5.56) but nowhere in the Clinton gun ban does it mention ammunition.  Alas, it only addresses cosmetics and types of accessories firearms are capable of holding.

If the Clinton administration and Congress were genuinely worried about the person on the business end of a gun, they would have limited and restricted ammunition, not the types of guns criminal wield.

The Left does not grasp the right to bear arms is one of the most important rights we are granted. It gives citizens a means to revolt against the government and an avenue to overthrow and re-establish a government that serves the people.

Then again, perhaps the Left does get that.

This post is third in a series which will lay down the federal, state and local laws to illustrate how asinine American gun control laws are, and to illustrate the unique gun culture in America.


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