The useless United Nations - Intercollegiate Studies Institute

The useless United Nations

This past weekend I drove eight hours up Interstate 85 for the Southern Regional Model United Nations conference in Charlotte, North Carolina. I already had a pretty negative opinion of the UN and the work that they do. Before this conference, I thought the aims of the UN were misguided, more focused towards a world government than a humanitarian entity.

My opinion was confirmed and solidified.

The UN might be one of the biggest wastes of time and money ever conceived by the human race.

I was representing the country of Libya, and was assigned to be a voting member of the council on illicit firearms trade. After figuring out the participants was more interested in regulating gun owners instead of the guns, I quickly set out to try and establish a “freedom friendly” solution. But much likes the real UN; no one was for personal freedom or national sovereignty.

The “fatal conceit” Hayek discusses is a dangerous thing. Hayek says that civilization declines when people think they can plan the actions and lives of others.

No other entity does a better job of that than the UN. From their one size fits all policies, to their elitist mentality, the UN disrespects national sovereignty and individual liberties.  I can quite honestly say I learned a lot this weekend, most importantly of all, just how much the UN needs to cease to exist.

Congratulations UN, you are about as helpful as an old bowl of oatmeal.

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