Writing Curses in Cursive - Intercollegiate Studies Institute

Writing Curses in Cursive

This morning on my way into work, I was listening to the radio. I was flipping from station to station, trying to avoid the shouting car commercials and the various mediocre talk shows that pepper early morning FM airwaves. In my radio odyssey, I stumbled upon a song that I recognized the tune so I quit my station hopping for a second to hear the rhythmic, electronic song.

As the song progresses I begin to realize the amount of debauchery and degenerate mess that the song sings about and propagates. After recovering from the amazement that this song was on the radio, I got to thinking, how much of this do I passively receive on a daily basis? How much immorality do I intake as I listen to music and other forms of media? Through movies, music and TV I am sure we all are sublimely exposed to error and misdeed all the time. Maybe I am idealistic, but if we were more active in checking our consumption of pop culture we can protect ourselves against the breakdown of traditional values. It may be crude, but the old adage of crap in, crap out is true. You get what you put in, so if we fill our media consumption with the good, true and beautiful we will see the fruits of that.

The good news is, there are organizations out there that want to make music that is filled with the good, true and beautiful. I count myself amongst the thousands in America that cannot stand another verse of modern day worship music. While the message may be good, the music is not very appealing to me. The alternative is secular music with a good message. Groups like Love Good Music try and fund artist who write and produce wholesome music and spread a culture that is rooted in moral media.

I admit this is a tough battle to fight. A pretty façade often hides the mess that lies beneath, much like writing curses in cursive; they still are harmful and are rotten to their core. So instead of feeding ourselves a steady diet of trash, let’s supports artist who try and build up our culture and buy music that is filled with the good, true and beautiful!

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