A Week in May - Intercollegiate Studies Institute

A Week in May

Julian of Norwich, following her showings, May 1373

There were no stars about, only a glow
Within the darkened room, the crucifix
Held before me like a living thing
While all else dwelt in shadow.
Great illness flamed my body,
Seemed to shrink my senses,
Yet my visions were not illusions.

At the core of my soul I knew the Lord
A great city, clad in honors, wide as a kingdom.
There he comforted me without voice.
Amid all sorrow light showed forth,
As if the sun were born from myriad stars
And wisdom’s daughter upheld me there.
I felt the holy oils on my brow, could hear
My mother speak and the parish priest
Bid me gaze upon the cross.

While all my senses wheeled, the image
Of Christ shown in daylight. A deathlike chill
Departed then, and all pain dissolved.
How the Lord does work His plan!
I saw His pain, the soldiers mocking Him,
The garland of thorns wreathed with blood
That flowed like pellets of rain from eaves,
Spreading like herring scales on his precious head.
Such spiraling emotions for a short while,
Both grief and joy, then awakening.
I am a woman ignorant and frail
To whom these blessed showings were given
That I might sketch them and know their meaning,
What love has wrought and mercy given.

STELLA NESANOVICH is Professor Emerita of English at McNeese State University in Lake Charles, LA; her poetry has been published in many periodicals and two books.

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