Vietnam Memorial - Intercollegiate Studies Institute

Vietnam Memorial

Cold names on a wall,
indistinguishable at a distance,
three men dazed,
three women mourning—
this is our memorial:
pity for broken things.

The viewers, the voyeurs,
shamble through the grounds,
heads down, eyes averted,
from wall to statue to statue,
a triangulation of lamentation;
nobody speaks.

Some statue is missing:
the Minuteman at the ready,
Lee or Grant breathing defiance,
Alfred fronting the Danes at Ethandune,
Hector at Troy, the company of valor …

Nothing. Mist collects on the wall,
tears glisten on flesh and stone,
my shoes darken in the wet grass;
everything weeps here.

They should have warned me:
this is no place for a veteran.
Phoebe S. Spinrad

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